
列舉曾經得到的幫助永遠是一件愉快的事,在寫作這本書的過程中,一些人向我伸出了援手,他們或是提出了建議或是提供了出版物的信息。我特別要感謝吳艷梅(Amy Yeen-mei Wu),南希·赫斯特(Nancy Hearst),勞一飛(Lav Yee-fui),艾迪·尤(Eddy U),皮埃爾·蘭德裏(Pierre Landry),史蒂夫·麥克金那(Steve Mackinnon),查瑪·約翰遜(Chalmers Johnson)和約翰·P.伯恩斯(John P. Borns)。像往常一樣,我欠熊景明和香港中文大學服務中心的其他人員一份沉甸甸的人情。雖然服務中心側重搜集1949年後的資料,但是和香港中文大學的主圖書館和香港大學的馮平山圖書館一樣,它的館藏也包含了很多珍貴的1949年以前的資料。


Benton, Gregor. “Memoirs and How to Use Them,” Mountain Fires: The Red Army's Three-Year War in South China, 1934-1938. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.


CCP Research Newsletter, nos. 1-10/11 (fall 1988-spring/fall 1992).


Chan, Ming K. Historiography of the Chinese Labor Movement, 1895-1949: A Critical Survey and Bibliography. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, Bibliographical Series, no. 60, Stanford University, 1981.


Chang, Julian. “Society and Government in China: A Twenty-Year Index of Soviet Sinology,” CCP Research Newsletter, no. 3 (summer 1989), pp. 27-35.


Chang Yu-fa. “Republican China Historical Research in Taiwan.” Republican China, vol. 18, no. I (November 1992), pp. 177-205.


Ch'in Hsiao-yi. “An Introduction to the Historical Commission of the Kuomintang.” Chinese Republican Studies Newsletter, vol. 8, no. 2 (February 1983). pp. 16-22.


Cochran, Sherman. “A Guide to Memoirs in Chinese Periodical Literature: A Review of a New Bibliography,” Republican China, vol. 21, no. 2 (April 1996). pp. 91-93.


Cold War international History Project Bulletin, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D. C., 1991.


Donovan, Peter, Carl E. Dorris, and Lawrence R. Sullivan. Chinese Communist Materials at the Bureau of Investigation Archives, Taiwan. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies, no. 24, 1976.


Eastman, Lloyd. “The Burgeoning but Fragile State of Republican Studies in Taiwan,” Chinese Republican Studies Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 1 (October 1978), pp. 7-14.


——. “Republican Studies in Taiwan, 1981,” Chinese Republican Studies Newsletter, vol. 7, no. 2 (February 1982). pp. 16-19.


Far Eastern Affairs, Moscow (a bimonthly journal of social science and political analysis, published by the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Far Eastern Studies), esp. the periodic “archive” section.


Feuerwerker, Albert. and S. Cheng. Chinese Communist Studies of Modern Chinese History. Cambridge: East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, 1961.


Fogel, Joshua A. “Mendacity and Veracity in the Recent Chinese Communist Memoir Literature.” CCP Research Newsletter, no. 1 (fall 1988a), pp. 31-34.


——. “Review of The Cambridge History of China, vol. 13.” Journal of Asian Studies (May 1988b).


——. ed. and trans. Recent Japanese Studies of Modern Chinese History. Armonk, N. Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1984.


Fujiansheng dang'anguan zhinan [Guide to Fujian Provincial Archives]. Beijing: Zhongguo dang'an chubanshe, 1997.